
This website may provide general information about medical treatments and ways to improve your health. In relation to any such information, you understand and agree that:

  • the website is for general information purposes only and is not a substitute for specific medical advice by a qualified health professional;
  • you should not rely solely on any information provided on this website in relation to medical treatments or your health, and must always obtain specific independent advice, including without limitation, specific advice from appropriate qualified health professionals, to determine what medical treatments or health decisions are suitable for you;
  • despite any information provided on the website, if any qualified health professionals provide you with any specific advice in relation to medical treatments or your health concerns, you must follow that specific advice and must not do anything inconsistent with any such advice; and
  • you must not delay seeking specific medical advice from your qualified health professionals because of any information provided on this website.

COVID-19 Guidelines

  • All people entering the premises over the age of 12 must wear a face mask; and
  • All employees, contractors, visiting practitioners, volunteers and students (staff members) must be fully vaccinated in accordance with NSW Health prescribed measures.